Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Being Nennen....

Back in 2006, there was this slightly plump, punk-plus-funk-plus-hippie crossover girl I met in my foundation classes. And when our lecturer deemed it appropriate for each of us to walk to the front of the class and give a lengthy description about our own selves to warm ourselves (being fresh LimKokWing students), she was the one who walked up and said 'I don't know whether I'm a girl or a boy lah' . Nobody who ever saw that scene will ever erase it from their memories. Almost three years later, one has to wonder, where is that H'ng Xiang Ting AKA Renn? I have never seen a person transform so much with me watching every inch of the transformation she actually went through- virtually, from just being Renn, to being a- lady. Yes, she is a lady now.

So I figured I'd put down this fancy list of things that have changed so much this Nennen (thats how we call her) since I first met her.

Renn (right) with Kiki Lala (left) and Ami (you know where).
Attained from historical memoirs, archived 2006. LOL.

1. In 2006, she didn't know whether she was a boy or a girl. They call it gender conflict. For a while, I thought she was lesbian. But now, the conflict is thrown out the door. She knows she's a lady.

2. Back then, she used a big (literally) bag with fancy colors on it. Not to say she uses smaller ones know, but definitely her current bags look a lot lesser like Hawaiian bags and now more like feminine, skin-texture bags.

3. Before this can hardly see her cleavage, now can see :P

4. I didn't know this girl had boobs back then. :P

After: the latest Renn...upgraded

5. She used to have colorful hair, and that on a very dry looking hair. Its striking, but not exactly in a good way. Now, she's got that hair fashion sense sorted out.

6. She used to have the perfect rabbit teeth, now they are fading away (sadly) because of her braces.

7. Back then, she wont mind even if I throw her lecture notes on the thrash. Maybe she will throw herself. But now, you put something on them and she goes like, 'Noo, they will kemek.'

8. She used to say she doesnt like guys with a lot of hair. But now, her boyfriend can use a hair-dryer on his chest. Lol.

9. She used to be bordering on the lines of plump and fat. But now, a 3cm tummy bothers her.

10. She used to just 'hantam' whatever colors she felt like wearing. But now, ever her finger-nails have to match the color of her dress.

11. She never used to cross that dressing code border of dressing too short of her knees. But now, she will wear the shortest of assurances.

12. She used to walk like a rowdy, now she walks almost like a ramp model. Here, there, here, there.

13. She used to wear slippers or 13-year-old kids' shoes. Now she wears fancy sandals and shoes with the most mountanious hills.

14. She used to sigh at the sight of novels. She'll just touch them because they are thick and thats about it. Now she can't enough of the thickest of the lot.

15. She used to look like she can't even manage herself. Now she's the mommy for not one, but two little doggies.

16. In 2006, I was a murderer and Pras (my Indon classmate) is a rapist in her eyes. At least we looked like one. Now, I'm a good writer and Pras is an excellent camera person.

But afterall, she's still Renn.The same three...they were glued to each other in 2006...Lol

Some things never change about Renn, like:

1. She still has the guts to walk out of the class and ignore a lecturer if she doesn't like one.

2. She still does her now-famous 'lah' presentations.

3. She still shouts as loud as the whole neighborhood can hear. She doesn't shout softer due to her new femininity.

4. She is still rich. Lol.

5. She still keeps a photo she took during a China trip years ago. That photo of her yawning with a sweater on still is proudly existent in her room. (and I still have no idea what is the novelty of that pic).

6. She still says 'I hate you' to me.

7. She is still that same old good friend 'lah'.

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