Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Punch, Drunk...Love!

Ahhh. Here we are. Love. Delightful and painful in equal measures, old and new in equal measures, same old same old. For us Indians, love is a major problem, yes, a very major one at that. Just take a survey if you want on how many people lose directions in live once their love affairs do not turn out to be have a happy endings. Forget the stacked amount of suicides, even I had a dear friend to assumed right over his own life partly because of the turbulunce of his love life. It’s been almost two years now since he departed.

Think about many others who give up, who make up a sad story. For another friend, her love was one-sided, unrequited in return.

What don’t I have?

What do I have to change?

Am I not good enough?

These were her questions. To herself.

For some reason, most of us find it embarassing to be involved in an one-sided love affair. We can’t bear the thought of us falling head over heels and repeatedly thinking about one individual whom we do not know thinks even a pint about us in return. In equal measures are break-ups, a party ends up feeling cheated, and sink themselves deeply into the sea of misery for a long, long time. For them, its perfectly fine to be miserable. Why are you miserable? I just broke up! Why are you miserable? He/She doesn’t love me. Its only me!

They say love is a beautiful thing, why then does it become the very excuse for so many people to bathe in pain? An excuse for us to take our lives away. An excuse to feel pity for ourselves. I can only say one thing- stop feeling sorry for yourselves. Because you do not know love enough if you think its fine to be sunk in misery when something fails.

Many years ago, I was in love as well, and yes, it was a failure too. But for some reason, I did not cry. Many thought I’m hiding my pain. Look at that poor thing, so much pain inside pretending to be strong- they’d say. The first thing I came to terms is- theres nothing to be embarassed about. Thinking about someone who doesn’t think about you in return? Whats wrong with that. I was very young when it happened, I was finding for a calling card that would point me which direction to go in life. East, West, North, South, where’d I go? Then love came, it broke barriers, for the first time, you feel different from the world around you. You experience sensations that only you would know, its your own world. Love is a beautiful dream to live. Anaticipation, yearnings, everything about it transforms your world drastically. Then the glass broke. But I continued, I continued loving whom I loved, for two full years, until the feeling waned away.

And I realized something then that most people fail to realize nowadays. Love is an energy. An emotion of superficial power. Happiness, Sadness, Madness, Anger, Insanity, Delight, Ecstasy, all these feelings and emotions are embroiled together under the coat of Love. Its a gift if you have this energy inside you. Use it the right way, and the results would be wonderful, maybe not for your love life, but the quality of your life overall could improve the moment you realize that you can actually channel all the love you have inside you to different directions. Once I learned to channel my love, I found my enthusiasm, I loved life completely, nothing was ever mundane or peripheral again, I understood my purpose, discovered the writer inside me, discovered the storyteller inside me. Rest is history.

My dream started with love. The kind of love that the society would brand as a failure. But they can’t say so now, because I determined for myself whether it is a happy tale or a sad tale. Unless you start taking charge of your emotions and know how to use each of them to good effect, you will allow the emotions to determine the direction of your life- and they will only point in different directions- North, South, West, East, all convoluted at different times. And before you know it, you will be falling of a high cliff.

You know you need to snap put of it, you know that every negative event can be turned into a positive cornerstone, but many of us lack that essential drive to wake up. As they say, its always easier to talk than to put into motion. When it comes into transforming our words into action, many of us fail. That what differentiates the man who has conquered the tall mountain and has etched his flag at the peak and become a legend, and the man who sits at the foot of the mountain, cursing his luck and saying ‘life is so cruel to be’. If you let life’s smallest details to take charge, then yes, life will hit you hard, it will seem like everything is falling from somewhere in the sky, hard on you.

Afterall, love’s biggest details are life’s smallest details.

Yet love is the biggest detail of your life.

That’s the irony that life presents you.

“Life is not about how hard you can hit or punch, it is about how many hits and how hard a hit you can take and still manage to wake up and continue.”- Abhishek Bachchan.


  1. you know i always read your blog but this one urged me to comment..because it's personal..and inspiring..everytime i feel like life is being cruel to me, i'd come running to you..too bad, u gotta bear it.. :D

  2. That's why some say, don't believe, don't fall in love. Ever wondered why the verb FALL is used to describe the idea of being in love? Well, nicely written article but somehow, the idea of love and life has been entwined and like you said,
    one is an emotion superficial power and the other is power itself....
